John was a donor. On Easter Sunday, the day after JW was declared brain dead, at 9:00 in the morning, we received a telephone call from the WRTC letting us know that JW was being taken into the operating room in order to have his organs removed for donation. We of course shed tears, tears of sorrow for our son but also tears of joy from the realization that on that glorious Easter Sunday morning there were a number of families experiencing gladness and relief due to the final gift from our son, the gift of life itself.
John's heart was transplanted into a 57 year-old retired realtor. He is married, has four children, and two grandchildren. He was on the waiting list for three days prior to transplant. He suffered from Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC), a disease of unknown cause that results in an enlarged heart that does not pump properly. His transplant was a success. At the time he was looking forward to returning to some of his favorite hobbies, which include cooking and telling stories to his grandchildren. He is very happy and grateful for this gift of life that John gave him.
John's liver and left kidney were both gifted to a 56 year-old married man who lives in Virginia. Prior to receiving his transplant, he suffered from a non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) liver disease which is fatal. He was on dialysis for two weeks, and he was on the waiting list for five months. Although he suffered some minor setbacks, his transplant was a success. John's recipient enjoys spending time with his family doing leisure activities. He is very grateful for this second chance at life that John has given to him.
John's pancreas and right kidney was gifted to a 53 year-old woman. She is a retired Verizon employee who has one child and one grandchild. Prior to receiving these precious gifts, she suffered from diabetes. She was on dialysis for nine months, and on the waiting list for seven months. The transplant was a success and at the time John's recipient was in good condition. She enjoys sewing and solving puzzles. She appreciates John's precious gifts.
Each year at the donor family gathering there is the presentation and dedication of the newest Donor Remembrance Quilt. Families have an opportunity to bring a quilt square in honor of their loved one. Ten years on, we thought it was time to so honor JW and a square in his memory adorns this year's quilt.
The program concludes with a candle lighting service.
The Donor Family Gathering allows families to celebrate and honor the lives of their loved ones and to witness first hand how organ and tissue donation truly makes a difference in the lives of so many.
We are particularly grateful that John's niece, Ariana, was able to attend this year's gathering. Although she never meant him in person, she nonetheless knows what a kind, loving and giving soul her Uncle Johnny was.