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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Update -- Kickball & Kegger Fest

In my haste to publish photos from last weekend's Fest, I neglected to mention that one of the high points of the day was the celebration of Cate's birthday, which is today.

Cate occupys a "transcendental" role in John's life occupied by few other than family and the closest of friends. Cate went to the same elementary school as did John. After the 7th grade, when John moved to Europe with his family, they grew apart. Unbeknownst to both of them, in the meantime, John's younger brother Mike became good friends with Stryker while in college. One day, Mike gets John together with his buddy, Stryker, and Stryker's then girlfriend (eventual wife), Cate, and together, John and Cate come to the realization after ten years or more that they had shared an entire elementary school life together. Stryker felt like a third wheel the rest of that evening as Cate and JW caught up on each others lives.

Ever since, both Cate and Stryker have been an important part of John's existance, even to this day. As such, it is only fitting that we were able to celebrate, with a good part of her family, Cate's birthday today at John's Fest last Saturday.

Monday, June 25, 2012

6th Annual JW Kickball & Kegger Fest

This past Saturday turned out to be a very special day as John's family, friends, as well as old and new acquaintances, commemorated in true John style the 36th anniversary of his birth.  The highlight, of course, was the beer cup kickball game in which everyone who played turned out to be a winner (since the game ended in an 11-11 tie, after extra innings).

The moon bounce and the slip & slide turned out to be a real hit for the newest generation to join the festivities.  The weather was perfect, as was the camaraderie.  A special thanks to Aaron for supplying the Guinness for the toast to John (as well as a special toast to John's newest niece or nephew who is due in November).  Also, a special thank you to the Morgantown crew for their help in setting up before the fest, and cleaning up after.  The fest would not have been the success it was but for their able assistance.  And, of course, thanks to Barbara, John's "second mom," who took many of the pictures below.

Also, an exceedingly special thanks to John's Aunt Ticia and Uncle Ken who once again made an extremely generous donation to JW's Memorial Fund which is now at almost 95% of its goal in donations and pledges in raising $25,000 for the World Movement for Democracy Global Assembly in Lima, Peru this October. 

Be sure to check out the photos for the day, to include one of the day-after.
6th Annual JW Kickball & Kegger Fest

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

36 Years Ago, Today

Two guys, just hanging out, one prouder now than even back then.  Remembering you everyday, but especially today.

Below is the last birthday wish we were able to share with John.  Its as true today as it was then.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

36 Fathers' Days Later

Fathers"s Day is, of course, special in so many ways.  For me, it was on Fathers' Day that I first became a dad, with JW, my first born, being born on Fathers' Day, 1976.  I often told JW that he was the best Fathers' Day gift ever, at least better than any lousy old tie.
Fathers' Day is also significant in our joint lives in another special way.  It was Fathers' Day, 1978 (34 years ago) that JW, his mom & I moved from Hillsborough, NJ to Chesterfield County, VA.  Unlike his dad who lived in the same home from the time of his birth to when he moved out to be married, JW, like his siblings, lived a very peripatetic life.  By Fathers' Day, 1978, less then two years after his birth, JW already lived in three residences.  It would take two temporary residences in Virginia before we could move into our new home in Chesterfield.  That was followed by a temporary residence in Maryland; followed by moving into a new home in Helen, MD; followed by a temporary residence in Brussels, Belgium; followed by living in Wezembeek-Oppem, Belgium for over three years; and then a return to Helen.  It was from there that JW undertook his own wandering trail.

That is one of JW's many enduring traits -- a sense of wanderlust.  My son, you continue to blaze trails for the rest of us.