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Sunday, April 22, 2012
JW's Gift Remembered
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Breaking in a Quilt Ariana Style
As indicated by the above picture and below video, Ariana got to break-in her Daddy's Uncle Johnny quilt this past weekend at her second birthday party as only a loving niece can.
Also, you can see the latest addition to the blog by scrolling down the right hand side where you will see all the quilts of JW, by Mom.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
JW, the Non-conformist
Below is a picture from this past weekend showing JW's brother's, sister's and parents' cars, along with the very first vehicle JW bought on his own -- quess which one was his.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
A Brother's Warmth, continued
Continuing a loving tradition, John's mom yesterday presented John's brother, Mike, with yet another quilt made out of remnants of John's clothing, this time in a Virginia Tech motif:
Being next in line, Mike's quilt was not a complete surprise, unlike John's sister-in-law, Gina's, likewise made with John's clothing, this time in a UConn motif:
Once again, future generations will come to know the warmth of JW's love through the loving efforts of John's mom.
Being next in line, Mike's quilt was not a complete surprise, unlike John's sister-in-law, Gina's, likewise made with John's clothing, this time in a UConn motif:
Once again, future generations will come to know the warmth of JW's love through the loving efforts of John's mom.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
And ...
In an earlier post, I wrote about Roger Rosenblatt's reflections in his book Kayak Morning several years after the death of his adult daughter. In this book, Rosenblatt quotes the Irish short story writer, Sean Ó Faoláin, as saying "that 'and' was the most hopeful word in the English language."
It is five years ago today, also on Holy Saturday, that JW's physical life here on earth came to an abrupt end. Five years ago that our first born son, a truly loving, thoughtful and giving soul who always made the most out of what he had, died. It was five years ago that life as we knew it ended.
And ...
Five years later your life as you lived it continues to serve as an inspiration to so many others. Your love for your family and friends and our love of you continues to have a powerful effect on so many others. Five years ago today my son, your earthly presence died ...
... and, on Easter Sunday 2007, your ultimate gift of life through the donation of your organs to a number of individuals brought joy to so many families;
... and, from the day of your funeral service (three years to the day before the birth of your first niece), the story of how you lived the last week of your life (even though you did not know it was so) as recounted in your eulogy, served as an impetus for reconciliation with estranged family members for several attendees;
... and, the memorial technology funds established in your memory have raised over $100,000.00 and continue to have a positive impact on so many people;
... and, a tradition that every year celebrates your love of family and friends and camaraderie at the time of your birthday has touched the lives of hundreds of people as indicated here, here, here, here, and here;
... and, you proved to be truly the BEST MAN at Mike & Gina's wedding;
... and, you continued to fulfill the role of big brother and serve as a source of inspiration to your your younger sister and brother;
... and, from your heavenly perch, you fulfill you crucial role as godfather to your niece, Ariana -- the first who gets to call you Uncle Johnny;
... and, through you mom's love and dedication, memories of you will keep members of current and future generations warm through the many quilts made from your cloths;
... and, you have inspired your dad to continue to strive to make a difference in the world if only to contribute a sliver to help fill the void left behind by your untimely demise;
... and, our love of you is as strong and powerful as ever, and cannot be diminished, even by death;
... and ...
It is five years ago today, also on Holy Saturday, that JW's physical life here on earth came to an abrupt end. Five years ago that our first born son, a truly loving, thoughtful and giving soul who always made the most out of what he had, died. It was five years ago that life as we knew it ended.
And ...
Five years later your life as you lived it continues to serve as an inspiration to so many others. Your love for your family and friends and our love of you continues to have a powerful effect on so many others. Five years ago today my son, your earthly presence died ...
... and, on Easter Sunday 2007, your ultimate gift of life through the donation of your organs to a number of individuals brought joy to so many families;
... and, from the day of your funeral service (three years to the day before the birth of your first niece), the story of how you lived the last week of your life (even though you did not know it was so) as recounted in your eulogy, served as an impetus for reconciliation with estranged family members for several attendees;
... and, the memorial technology funds established in your memory have raised over $100,000.00 and continue to have a positive impact on so many people;
... and, a tradition that every year celebrates your love of family and friends and camaraderie at the time of your birthday has touched the lives of hundreds of people as indicated here, here, here, here, and here;
... and, you proved to be truly the BEST MAN at Mike & Gina's wedding;
... and, you continued to fulfill the role of big brother and serve as a source of inspiration to your your younger sister and brother;
... and, from your heavenly perch, you fulfill you crucial role as godfather to your niece, Ariana -- the first who gets to call you Uncle Johnny;
... and, through you mom's love and dedication, memories of you will keep members of current and future generations warm through the many quilts made from your cloths;
... and, you have inspired your dad to continue to strive to make a difference in the world if only to contribute a sliver to help fill the void left behind by your untimely demise;
... and, our love of you is as strong and powerful as ever, and cannot be diminished, even by death;
... and ...
April 7th
Surprised by joy -impatient as the wind
I turned to share the transport - Oh! with whom
But Thee, deep buried in the silent tomb,
That spot which no vicissitude can find?
Love, faithful love, recalled thee to my mind -
But how could I forget thee? Through what power,
Even for the least division of an hour,
Have I been so beguiled as to be blind
To my most grievous loss? - That thought's return
Was the worst pang that sorrow ever bore
Save one, one only, when I stood forlorn,
Knowing my heart's best treasure was no more;
That neither present time, nor years unborn,
Could to my sight that heavenly face restore.
I turned to share the transport - Oh! with whom
But Thee, deep buried in the silent tomb,
That spot which no vicissitude can find?
Love, faithful love, recalled thee to my mind -
But how could I forget thee? Through what power,
Even for the least division of an hour,
Have I been so beguiled as to be blind
To my most grievous loss? - That thought's return
Was the worst pang that sorrow ever bore
Save one, one only, when I stood forlorn,
Knowing my heart's best treasure was no more;
That neither present time, nor years unborn,
Could to my sight that heavenly face restore.
William Wordsworth (1770-1850), written in the aftermath of the death of his three-year-old daughter.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Five Years Ago Today, continued
Per the below posts:
On Wednesday (five years ago), John was not much better. Yet, out of concern that he had taken too much time off from work and out of commitment and loyalty to his job and in recognition that others depended upon him, John went to work that day. Nonetheless, the pain was too great and he had to leave early and go home.
On Thursday, John tended to his own needs and went to an orthopedic specialist as recommended by the ER. Nonetheless, by Thursday night, the pain was too great and once again John called Alex who this time took him to another ER. Fortunately, she also called us and we immediately drove up arriving about midnight on Friday morning (five years ago today). We are eternally grateful that Alex called us when she did, because it allowed us to spend John's last 24 hours or so with him, although we did not know it at the time.
John proceeded to spend the next 2O hours in the ER. Notwithstanding the pain, prior to being discharged from the ER, John turned to us and said he was sorry for ruining our Friday and he turned to Alex and said he was sorry for making her miss so much work. That's the way John was, even in the moment of his greatest need, he was always thinking of others.
They eventually discharged John from the ER. Although weak and in continued discomfort, John sucked it up and said he still wanted to come home for the weekend. John was determined to spend the weekend with his family to which we had all looked forward. And we were determined to nurse John back to health, doing whatever was necessary to help him manage the pain and do the necessary therapy for his neck.
On Wednesday (five years ago), John was not much better. Yet, out of concern that he had taken too much time off from work and out of commitment and loyalty to his job and in recognition that others depended upon him, John went to work that day. Nonetheless, the pain was too great and he had to leave early and go home.
On Thursday, John tended to his own needs and went to an orthopedic specialist as recommended by the ER. Nonetheless, by Thursday night, the pain was too great and once again John called Alex who this time took him to another ER. Fortunately, she also called us and we immediately drove up arriving about midnight on Friday morning (five years ago today). We are eternally grateful that Alex called us when she did, because it allowed us to spend John's last 24 hours or so with him, although we did not know it at the time.
John proceeded to spend the next 2O hours in the ER. Notwithstanding the pain, prior to being discharged from the ER, John turned to us and said he was sorry for ruining our Friday and he turned to Alex and said he was sorry for making her miss so much work. That's the way John was, even in the moment of his greatest need, he was always thinking of others.
They eventually discharged John from the ER. Although weak and in continued discomfort, John sucked it up and said he still wanted to come home for the weekend. John was determined to spend the weekend with his family to which we had all looked forward. And we were determined to nurse John back to health, doing whatever was necessary to help him manage the pain and do the necessary therapy for his neck.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Five Years Ago Today, continued
Per the below post:
Later on Monday (five years ago yesterday), John went to work. He enjoyed his job and his coworkers. But the pain was too great and he had to go home.
Later on Monday (five years ago yesterday), John went to work. He enjoyed his job and his coworkers. But the pain was too great and he had to go home.
Monday night, John celebrated with his
true love the first anniversary of their first date. Although discomforted by the pain,
John would not be dissuaded from being with Alex.
On Tuesday (five years ago today),
John was too ill to go to work. However, Alex had errands to run, specifically
she had to go to the Department of Homeland Security and deal with the bureaucracy
there on an immigration issue. Dealing with the bureaucracy is no joy, and I know,
being a lifelong bureaucrat myself. Nonetheless, John drove Alex there in order
to give her moral support and waited in the car while she battled the
bureaucrats. His pain was so great that he climbed into the back of the car to
lie down. Nonetheless, he knew that his mom, who is a teacher, was off that
week so he called her at home and together they had a wonderful phone conversation
that lasted over 30 minutes. Again, much of the discussion centered on the
upcoming weekend, when the entire family would be together.
Tuesday night was John’s brother’s birthday.
John, Alex, Michael, Gina and Jessica all went out to dinner. John was still in
much pain, so much so that at the end of dinner Michael commented how bad John looked
and that he should just go home and lie down. But John looked back at his
brother and said, “no bro, it's your birthday and we are going to celebrate it."
With that, the five of them went to the
Nationals’ ball game that night, which can be a painful experience even in the
best of times. Yet, out of loyalty to his brother, John endured the pain and
discomfort in order to commemorate his brother's day.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Five Years Ago Today
I know the celestrial calendar is based upon the Sun. I also know that the determinate calendar for Easter is based upon the Moon. The two do not coincide; which is why the date of Easter varies so greatly year-to-year.
JW's earthly death is tied inextricably to both calendars. We spent the entirely of April 6th with him. He died on April 7th. He donated his life saving organs on April 8th. It just so happens that those dates in 2007 were Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday, respectively. Due to the seeming vagaries of both calendars, those dates coincide exactly in 2012.
An essential point to JW's life is that, while he did not know that April 1-7, 2007, was the last week of his life, he nonetheless lived a very holy life during what would prove to be his very last Holy Week. We should all be so fortunate.
To commemorate the above, this blog will republish pertinent portions from JW's eulogy which was intended to capture the last week of JW's life, the essence of who he was.
The last week of John's life begins on Palm Sunday. John hadn't been feeling well for a while, with a pain in his neck but that Sunday was the first day of the kickball season. John and Alex belonged to a kickball league which played their games on the Washington Mall. John enjoyed it tremendously – he was athletic but he did it mostly for the fun (and drinking afterwards). And while we were surprised when we first heard about a year before that he played kickball (most people give it up after the third grade) we soon found out that initially it was a pretext to get near to Alex. It worked!
In any event, Palm Sunday was a beautiful day and John and Alex went to the Tidal Basin to enjoy the cherry trees, which were in full bloom that day. However, the pain was getting bad for John and he actually had to lie down under the trees. It was a perfect setting for him, since he so enjoyed God's creation and was always in awe of the beauty of nature, especially from all of his world travels. In any event, while lying under the trees, John had a nice long phone conversation with us. We knew he hurt but didn't know how much. Nonetheless, we talked about our plans for the coming weekend. John and Alex were going to come down to our home, along with Michael and Gina as well as Jessica and John's grandparents. We were going to celebrate Easter as well as his brother's birthday which was that Tuesday. John loved being with his family - we have always taken great joy that our children were not only siblings to each other, but best friends as well.
JW's earthly death is tied inextricably to both calendars. We spent the entirely of April 6th with him. He died on April 7th. He donated his life saving organs on April 8th. It just so happens that those dates in 2007 were Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday, respectively. Due to the seeming vagaries of both calendars, those dates coincide exactly in 2012.
An essential point to JW's life is that, while he did not know that April 1-7, 2007, was the last week of his life, he nonetheless lived a very holy life during what would prove to be his very last Holy Week. We should all be so fortunate.
To commemorate the above, this blog will republish pertinent portions from JW's eulogy which was intended to capture the last week of JW's life, the essence of who he was.
The last week of John's life begins on Palm Sunday. John hadn't been feeling well for a while, with a pain in his neck but that Sunday was the first day of the kickball season. John and Alex belonged to a kickball league which played their games on the Washington Mall. John enjoyed it tremendously – he was athletic but he did it mostly for the fun (and drinking afterwards). And while we were surprised when we first heard about a year before that he played kickball (most people give it up after the third grade) we soon found out that initially it was a pretext to get near to Alex. It worked!
In any event, Palm Sunday was a beautiful day and John and Alex went to the Tidal Basin to enjoy the cherry trees, which were in full bloom that day. However, the pain was getting bad for John and he actually had to lie down under the trees. It was a perfect setting for him, since he so enjoyed God's creation and was always in awe of the beauty of nature, especially from all of his world travels. In any event, while lying under the trees, John had a nice long phone conversation with us. We knew he hurt but didn't know how much. Nonetheless, we talked about our plans for the coming weekend. John and Alex were going to come down to our home, along with Michael and Gina as well as Jessica and John's grandparents. We were going to celebrate Easter as well as his brother's birthday which was that Tuesday. John loved being with his family - we have always taken great joy that our children were not only siblings to each other, but best friends as well.
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