While everyday we each remember John in our own way, today we remembered John as a family. John's Aunt Sue and Uncle John, Aunt
Ticia and Uncle Ken, and Aunt Meg and Uncle Dom joined Mike and Gina as well as
Jes and Mom and Dad in performing a remembrance of John at his memorial. We enjoyed the sun and the cherry trees, we told stories and drank some more of John's homemade brew which is still amazingly good after more than two years of brewing. We placed a new Virginia Tech gnome on his memorial, the old one becoming quite weathered. In addition, all received a framed copy of the below photograph commemorating the three deceased men known to the world as John William Leonard, each of whom have left a legacy of his own for all of our benefit. (As always, click on the photo for a close-up).

Additional photos from today are below.

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