The below is an update from Mother Catherine Spalding School with respect to what has recently been accomplished with JW's Technology Fund and what is planned for the future. Also below is a copy of the school's recent promotional brochure. As you can see, many of the initiatives highlighted in the brochure are associated with John's Fund. (You can click on each page to see an expanded view of the page).
New computers:
In December we installed 17 new computers in the computer lab using John's fund. These are allowing us to load more hardware and software. Our older computers were becoming limited and finicky. The computer lab looks great - newer computers are not as bulky as older ones were and the kids were really thrilled with the new lab.
Robotics Club
Our students in grades 4-8 participated in the LEGO'S Robotics Competition that was held at The College of Southern Maryland in LaPlata. The kids had a wonderful time preparing for the competition and participating in it. The students built a robot and a city floor plan. The robot was able to help build a dam in the river, built a home, put solar panels on the home and did several other activities. A great team building endeavor! The JW Tech fund paid one of our teachers a stipend for coaching the students. The team still meets once a week after school due to student demand that they not end the meetings. The gentleman from CSM just dropped off more "toys" for the teams that were still active to build another robot.
STEM Program
Initiated as an academy within the public school system, some of the parochial schools have been able to get on board with part of the STEM program. All of our students in grades 4-8 will be taking a trip to the local Navy base to tour different areas that coincide with their science curriculum. The JW fund is paying for the buses to take them to the base.
In addition, we have purchased new software for the students to remediate their reading comprehension. We have 2 students who needed books on cd's because of reading difficulties. These have helped immensely with their comprehension. One of the students made honor roll this past quarter!
Next school year we hope to continue the Robotics and STEM activities and would like to engage some of our brighter students with technology programs. We have enrichment one day a week but we really need time after school with the students - our school day is not long enough to incorporate all that we would like to do.

For those interested, tax-deductible contributions can still be made to:
MCSS for J.W. Leonard Technology Scholarship
and can be mailed to:
Mother Catherine Spalding School
38833 Chapitco RD
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
Thanks to all for your continuing generosity in JW's memory and for helping the "Big Geek foster a lot of little geeks."