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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
My Space
Sunday, July 29, 2007
He Did It When He Could
This weekend we celebrated John's little sister's birthday. After a family barbecue at home, Jes' big brother, Mike, organized a pretty good celebration on the town on the waterfront in DC. All the usual suspects were there and a good time was had by all. And of course, John was there in memory and in spirit.

You can see the pictures of Jes' B-day on the town by clicking on the below picture:
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Jes' B-day on the Town |
I Want You All to Know
Subject: Email from JW
I was sitting here in heaven and having a wonderful day.
I started thinking about you and all the things I didn't get a chance to say.
I don't want you to worry about me. And please don't shed any tears
because I will wait for you in heaven if it takes a hundred years.
Everything I had on earth I have in heaven too.
My first day here my body became brand new.
It is really pretty here and I love my new home.
Although your hearts are broken because my body is gone,
my love will always be there. As you go along the way,
just peek inside your heart. That is where I'll stay.
Know that I love my family and all my friends too.
My thoughts will be with each of you for all your whole life through.
Friday, July 27, 2007
John Came Home Today
Although John had many strong points, financial management was not one of them, although he was getting better at it the last year of his life. After years of hesitation, John brought his condo at the height of the DC real estate bubble, December 2005. The bottom fell out of the market in January 2006, and its been falling ever since. "Buy high, sell low" was John's motto. However, none of this dissuaded him in his great plans to fix up the place in true John style. If planning could accomplish things in its own right, John could have refurbished his condo several times over!
Deciding what to do with John's place has been one of the many challenges his family has been dealing with over the past several months. On the one hand, since he was so proud of finally
That said, we recently decided the best course of action was to give up John's condo and we packed up his belongings this week and moved them out today. But none of his belongings will go unused. Many of them will be put into use at his parent's house, not as a shrine to John but rather as just another means for the personality and spirit of John to become known to others, especially his nieces and nephews to come, as well as others who will never have the pleasure of having known John in person, but will know him nonetheless through his brother and sister and Alex and his parents and other family members and so many of his friends. John's spirit lives on, as does the memory of his life and his dreams and his accomplishments. All of us will forever be on the lookout for opportunities to share John with others who did not have the joy of knowing

Saturday, July 14, 2007
John's Scholarship Fund
This fund has become a truly fitting tribute to John. To date, over $21,000.00 has been contributed and donations still arrive almost every week. Final plans have yet to be made as to how to apply the fund, as we anticipate that John himself will be able to contribute as the affairs of his estate are finalized in the months to come.
Depending upon the eventual size of the fund, at this point in time we anticipate looking for one or more opportunities to contribute to a computer lab or similar endeavor at an educational institution, preferably at the elementary school level. As we have always said, the objective is to help the "big geek" foster a lot of "little geeks" who share John's love of information technology.
For those interested, contributions can still be made to:
John William Leonard Memorial Scholarship Fund
c/o Bank of America
28250 Three Notch RD
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
"Techie John"
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Where In The World. . .
will the VT Gnome show up next?
Here he is in a New York garden.
Get your whimsical extension of JW's life at:
Will he be found in North Carolina? Virginia? Brussels?
Some undisclosed secure location in D.C.?
Bring one on your next trip to Machu Picchu!
Dear JW
proud parents they were about to be
around the table the family sat
with joy and love, it was the place to be at
Your arrival on Father's Day was truly a gift
God reach out giving mom and dad's hearts a lift
four grandparents were promoted that day
and aunts and uncles anticipated games of play
As a young boy growing, mom and dad knew what was best
and soon with a brother and sister you were blessed
not just siblings, but life long soul mates
to share triumphs, disappointments and dates
JW, you embraced life to live, celebrate and share
if any one needed help or support, you were there
computers, music and travel gave you delight
fingers counted beers well into the night
But something was missing, soon to be found
when Alex arrived, your joy knew no bounds
you could go and climb ancient high peaks
but the power of your love for Alex would continue to speak
Your life long mission accomplished way too soon
meant God would claim you Holy Saturday afternoon
your family and friends struggle to understand
but we know in our hearts you are in God's hand
JW, we miss you, we love you...for evermore
until we meet again, as God's angel in heaven you SOAR!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Energy and Presence
When Ken and I have been flooded with memories, thoughts, and experiences of John’s energy these past three months, they are John saying to us, “Hey, remember . . . ?”
And we do remember . . .
When John would occasionally call us simply to connect with his aunt and uncle, and I (being the faithful daughter of my mother) in the back of my mind would wonder, “What’s wrong?”
When Ken and I got hopelessly lost trying to meet with John, and he told us to stay put and assured us that he would look for a befuddled pair on the side of the road. (Where were we, anyway — Maryland? Virginia? D.C.?)

The phone conversation asking his aunt if there was any clever way he could convince his father that Virginia Tech was a five-year school for ALL the best and the brightest! (I think John’s plan was to say that the computer ate his thesis!)

The timing of God’s gift to John of the fullness of life reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways, and our faith helps us believe that with God all things will work for the good.
But is there anything that we can know for sure?
This is what I know for sure:
That John is sitting at the heavenly banquet enjoying a drink with his Mammy, talking about their common enjoyment of things Irish.
That when he was met by the original holder of the moniker “John William,” they proudly shared stories of the son and the father who continue to bring honor to the name.
That John was greeted at Heaven’s gates by the whole communion of saints and was accompanied by all those who went before him to the throne of God.
And that when John saw the face of God, he recognized his mother and father.
John is blessed with aunts and uncles who have a diversity of talents and gifts. Mine happens to be theology (Wasn’t he thrilled with our Christmas AND Easter cards!), so we end this posting with this thought:
Pope John Paul II spoke of the family as a “school of love.” The pope taught that the family has four tasks: to form a community of interdependent persons, who would serve life, participate in the development of society and share in the life and mission of Christ. All who know John — or Bill or Clarice or Jes or Mike — have witnessed the lessons of love lived in the Leonard home. The self-gift and other-directedness that is true love is what has been and continues to be taught, caught, integrated, and shared in a mutual exchange of Grace. Blessed are we who are touched by this community of “A” students.
but this is so that your faith,
which is more precious than the passing splendor of fire-tried gold,
may by its genuineness
lead to praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ appears.”
Sunday, July 8, 2007
God Broke Our Hearts to Prove to Us He Only Takes the Best
My email to JW is as follows:
Hi Johnny, how are you doing? I hear that God has you working on his computer. It crashed after all the shenanigans of Paris Hilton.
When I sit on your bench overlooking the water, I think of the good times we had together. Do you remember the time you came out to visit Mammy and me in Arizona? That was for two weeks in August 1987 when you were 10 years old.
Before homeland security, a young child could travel under the watchful eye of a flight attendant. Today they try to discourage that by charging 50 extra dollars. But that's beside the point. What I remember is the form we had to fill out:
Passengers name: J. Leonard
Name of person bringing passenger to airport: J. Leonard
Name of person picking passenger at destination: J. Leonard
There is always something to do at Sun City West. When we went to the sports center you went bowling, swimming and played the game room where there were ping-pong tables. We also went to the driving range at sunset golf course as well as a trip into Scottsdale for the Railroad Park and a picnic. We also took a trip into so called downtown Phoenix.
When it came time to fly home, we drove you to Sky Harbor International Airport. It can be called an international airport because it has flights to Mexico. We signed you over to the flight attendant. We waited until the plane took off before we would drive back home.
The plane was delayed in taking off for almost an hour due to mechanical trouble. Mammy and I would not leave the airport until we knew that you were up and away. On your first airplane flight flying alone, we were worried how you were doing. We asked the gate attendant to check on you. She came back and said you were playing cards with a fellow passenger. I hope you didn't take all his money. The plane finally took off and we returned to SCW with wonderful memories of your visit as our Number 1 Grandson.
Love, Papa
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Flying High
Monday, July 2, 2007
The Making & Dedication of a Memorial
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The Making & Dedication of a Memorial |
Photos of the Great Kickball Game
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1st Annual John Kickball Game |
Photos of John's 31st Birthday Tribute
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JW's 31st B-day Tribute |
More Remembrances of John

A remembrance of John is featured in his league's newsletter for April 12th which can be found at:
Another remembrance can be found on one of his teammate's blog at:
If you know of any other remembrances of John on the web, let us know at
John Remembered

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Requiem for John
You can listen to the show in its entirety by clicking here. (Note: The show in its entirety is 4 hours long. Of particular note is the first and last 30 minute portions).